Holy Relics

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” Psalms 116: 15

God almighty performs miracles through the Holy Relics of saints, thus revealing His glory and glorifying His saints in whom He is pleased.

Holy Relics have a special place in the Orthodox spiritual life. Contrary to what many people claim, Orthodox Christians do not worship relics. Instead, we venerate them. We take great care to distinguish veneration from worship. In English, the two words are often treated as synonymous. However, in the official liturgical language of the Early Church, the two words have entirely separate meanings.

Where worship means completely giving over oneself to service to God, veneration means treating something with reverence, respect, and honor.
The only One we worship is the Holy Triune God. We venerate the Holy Relics to honor these saints as examples for how we should live our own lives to please God and achieve theosis. The act of veneration communicates that all Orthodox Christians, even those who have departed this earthly life, remain in communion with God and with one another.

It is a great blessing for this Church to be the sitting place of Holy Relics of the  only 2 canonized saints of Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Ours is the first Church in United States to host the Holy Relics of St Dionysius of Vattasseril, The Great Luminary of Church. Our Church is first and only Church in South East region where the Holy Relics of St Gregorios of Parumala is installed.
On all first Saturdays of the month, evening prayer (Vespers and Compline) will be conducted at our Church with special intercession prayers to these Holy saints. 

We cordially invite you and family to this House of Worship and receive the blessings through the intercession of our saints.

Reception of Holy Relics of St Dionysius of Vattasseril



Reception of Holy Relics of St Gregorios of Parumala